2018 Harvest Update

The Pinot Noir grapes have turned a deep purple color in the vineyard (see photo below) but will mature further before they are picked for harvest.

A bunch of grapes that are on the ground.

To keep the birds away and prevent them from eating these delicious grapes before harvest, we are trying the use of a realistic appearing falcon kite. It is now flying over the vineyard and swoops and flies with changes in the wind (see photo below).

A bird flying in the sky over trees.
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February Festivities and Functions

Four bottles of wine on a table in front of some trees.

Vintage Grape Story

A bird flying over some vines in the middle of a field.

Flying Falcons Guard the Grapes

A bottle of wine is shown with the label.

98 Points! Double Gold Medal! Best in Class!

A bottle of wine sitting on top of a table.

Debuting Wines in the Wings

A table with two wine glasses and a plate of food on it.

Celebrate With Us

A bottle of wine with the words " vintner 's choice " on it.

The Vintner Has Chosen

A white barrel with flowers painted on it.

Painted Wine Barrels Celebrate Spring

A row of trees with yellow leaves on them.

Fall, Fresh and Fantastic

A bunch of grapes that are on the ground.

Veraison Vintage 2020

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